me during finals week




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Luck is construct. It's a belief that can't be seen nor touched. For Chi Fa, it was a religion to him. To believe in luck, to have luck, to dream of luck. Luck was who he was throughout his childhood. He didn't have good luck as a child, he looked and prayed for good fortune to find him, and it took a while for it happen.




Back in China in the 1950s, rice was a part of the economy. It was used to buy, to trade, and to sell. In the book Double Luck, Chi Fa's sister-in-law sold Chi Fa to a communist family for rice to buy a ticket to Hong Kong. Later on, Chi Fa's sister saved enough rice to buy Chi Fa a barge ticket to Hong Kong. She didn't want to buy the ticket with her husband's money because back them, their crops were getting taken over by communists. Rice is still a big deal





food is life ❤️


#Man Crush Monday

The beginning is very sad. Chi Fa lost his dad at age 3 because a medicine gave him the wrong dosage that killed him. Then his mother died of depression from his father's death, leaving Chi Fa an orphan...